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Alice Swaps!

Friday morning, Chucklebutt and I head to Anaheim so I can get crafty with some amazing women.  I’m participating in Kim Caldwell’s An Affaire in Wonderland.

It was a Christmas gift from Chuck and it is going to be an incredible experience!  We are staying at the Disneyland Grand California Hotel — it’s also where all my classes are being held.

It looks pretty grand and is probably a step up from the Motel 6.  We just got back from Bike Week in Daytona, and our accommodations were the “we’ll-leave-the-light-on-for-you” variety.  But that’s another adventure entirely and I’ll fill folks in on that one later on this week.

I got back into town on Sunday night, and Chucklebutt is still riding back.  He’s hit some nasty weather and I’m glad I took a flight.  😀  If you want to follow his escapades, check him out on Twitter.  He even has uploaded some pictures.

While he was away, I was working my mad sewing skillz and finishing up all the swaps for the Alice event.  These first pics are for Cheryl’s Fat Book Swap:

These next pics are for Rebecca’s swap:

Oh yeah.  My living room still looks a hurricane hit it.  Fabric, thread, ribbons, papers, images — everything strewn about.  The girls have had lots of stuff to get into.  I can’t wait to see what the other women created.  I’m sure our books and deck of cards are going to be gorgeous!

Happy Hump Day everyone!

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