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Art Retreats
Petticoats and Parasols
An Affaire in Wonderland
An Artistic Affaire - L’Automne
An Artistic Affaire - Printemps

Blog Parties
Hauntingly Magical Celebraion

Lazy Sundays

One of my residents recently turned me on to hibiscus tea. It’s not really a tea, per se, since it’s made from dried hibiscus flowers, but it is perfect for lazy Sundays.

It’s so good that even Chucklebutt enjoys drinking it. He stays far away from regular tea and is convinced that […]

Happy Birthday Chucklebutt!

So those of you that know Chucklebutt are probably thinking — Hey! Isn’t his birthday in March? You are absolutely correct. However, I surprised him with a trip the last part of April, first part of May and am only now getting around to blogging it. Actually, my mother has been blogging like a fiend […]