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Art Retreats
Petticoats and Parasols
An Affaire in Wonderland
An Artistic Affaire - L’Automne
An Artistic Affaire - Printemps

Blog Parties
Hauntingly Magical Celebraion

Jerome Part Deux

For those of you that know Chuck and I, we are avid geocachers.  In a nutshell, it’s a world wide treasure hunt.  All you need is a GPS and some really good walking shoes.  Our hobby has really taken us to some uber cool sights.  Specifically, we’ve discovered some amazing cemeteries.

This cemetery was just […]

Jerome Rocks!

Chuck and I just got back from Jerome, and despite feeling a bit achey, we had an awesome time.  It was packed full of adventure, good food, good shopping, geocaching and of course, great company.  First of all, were super lucky to get a rental car this weekend.  The All Star Game was in town […]