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Art Retreats
Petticoats and Parasols
An Affaire in Wonderland
An Artistic Affaire - L’Automne
An Artistic Affaire - Printemps

Blog Parties
Hauntingly Magical Celebraion

A Day of Driving

On Saturday morning, we awoke at a relatively decent time and plotted out our route for the day.  I was pretty set on seeing Cedar Breaks National Monument as it was described as a “must-see” and a smaller version of Bryce Canyon.  I knew we wouldn’t have enough time to go to Bryce so I […]

Check Out My New Logo!

I came home from work today to discover that my partner in crime had revamped my blog.  I LOVE the new logo and feel ready for the big time.  Somerset just came out with a new journal called “Artful Blogging” and Chuck says I should submit mine.  I still have a ways to go, but […]