So this is my second time trying to post this entry. Argh! Computers drive me nuts.
My better half left this afternoon for Utah and should be coming to his destination at any moment. He will have an entire day to rest up before he embarks on his 1000 miles trek on a motorcycle. The Utah 1088 tasks place in a twenty-four hour period and the men and women that participate are crazy! My Chucklebutt included. While I miss him madly, I have had a very relaxing evening watching trash TV and dining on a yummy antipasta. Olives stuffed with garlic, stinky cheese, dry salami, brie, tomatoes, and a little bit of avocado. I finished the meal with some fresh blueberries and cream. Finally they are in season and a reasonable price.
I was going to take a nap, but got sucked in to my favorite blogs:
This women are so amazing and I hope that one day my blog looks as sharp as theirs. Pam and Jenny are teaching at SilverBella in November in Omaha. It is a super duper paper arts festival and I wish I could go. Lilia lives in my neck of the woods and teaches at one of my favorite stores:
If you have never checked out their sites, I highly encourage you to.
The reason I titled this entry “so little time,” is there truly is so little time to do everything I want to do. Most of you know that I am in the midst of teaching an intensive summer program with East Valley Children’s Theatre. We are about to finish our 3rd week. The kids are doing amazingly and I am very proud of all of them. Hopefully by next week I’ll have some photos to share. Needless to say, I have very little time at the moment for all things art. I know that I need to make time, but it’s really difficult with my schedule. I can’t wait until next weekend when I have off. Yipee!!
So, here are some photos of some stuff I did at the beginning of the year.
This is a wand I made for my best friend’s 30th Birthday. I love wands and have a few myself. I need to make more of them.

Above is my first venture into altering hats. I am a huge fan of all head gear and have probably over 100 hats. I love vintage lace and buttons and had a ball decorating this hat for my dear friend Heather’s 34th Birthday. It is also the picture on my banner. Chuck got pretty artsy with the tulle. He is so creative! We’re still trying to figure out livejournal and how to imprint my name across the banner. I also would like to create a collage like Pam and Lilia’s. And of course let’s not forget about all those yummy eye candy pictures of vintage supplies. Ahhhh, so much to do and so little time…