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The Elusive Mary Marthapotamus

Two days ago I received a delightful package in the mail from my best friend’s mother.  She had included a variety of clippings and fun knick-knacks, however none was more entertaining than a picture of herself underwater.  She titled it the “elusive Mary Marthapotamus” and it was hilarious!  Thanks MM — it’s going on my bulletin board in my work room.  

Here are some photos of the bag I made her for Mother’s Day.  I thought long and hard about keeping it for myself, but decided that it would find a safe and happy home with MM.  It’ s not lined as I am hopelessly clueless when it comes to sewing.  I know that my mother tried to teach me when I was a little girl, but I could never get past the button phase.  Oh well.  That’s why we have super duper glues!

This is the front and back of the purse.  I found the wire frame for a dollar at Goodwill and delved into my extensive ribbon and button collection to decorate it.  It was lots of fun to make and I love the pinks and blues.  The picture on the right reminds me of a frog for some reason.  

These are pictures of the sides.  Don’t ask me why they are much larger than the other pictures.  My tech support is getting ready for his big Utah trip and I know better than to bother him. 


Two Years And Counting

Yesterday Chuck and I celebrated our two year anniversary.  I just learned that screen actress Alicia Silverstone did as well — I love trivia.  Anyway, it was pretty uneventful until the end of the night.  I worked all day teaching and then went to the recreation center to deal with snot-nosed, angry pre-teens.  Around 9:45pm Chuck came in with a gorgeous, single pink rose.  I was so excited to see him and exhausted all at the same time.  He stayed until we locked up the building.  As we were walking out, I found a single red rose on the door leading outside.   When I got to my car it was covered in beautiful roses and daisies.  My co-workers were beside themselves and couldn’t believe what a sweet, amazing man I have (even after two years).  Chuck has decorated my car before, but each time it takes my breath away.  It is really a beautiful sight to see twelve year old Hecate covered in flowers.  For those who don’t know, Hecate is my 1995 Geo Metro.  She is the first car I ever bought and is about to reach 200,000 miles.  I’m hoping she’ll make it to 300,000.

Anyway, we have about  fifteen flower arrangements in our house.  I asked Chuck to take some photos today 
and this is one of my favorites.

Does he take a gorgeous shot or what?!

He will take more pictures tomorrow so you can see the rest.

While we were going to go out for Sushi for dinner, I was way too tired.  So we settled on Denny’s and delicious French Toast.  Happy Anniversary to us!!