Yes I know that I am such a horrible blogger. I envy those folks who are so diligent with their blogging and can post a few times a week. Life has been super busy and as the holidays rapidly approach, they seem to only get busier. I hope that everyone is having a great autumn. We folks here in the desert are finally enjoying a reprieve from hot weather. It has been gorgeous with highs in the 70’s and lows in the 50’s. Finally we are the envy of the other 49 states. I figured I better post all my Halloween pics before Thanksgiving was here (I still haven’t posted my Easter pics and am saving them for 2011). 😀
I had two parties to throw and we all had so much fun. First was the work party-

You’ll have to excuse the quality of these — they were taken with my crappy camera phone. I went as a crazy witch (my glasses had googly eyes), my boss a devil, and my friend Grace as Dolly Parton.

These cute ladies won the prize for most original costume. Along with four other friends, they came as the seven dwarves. Their beards were made of Dollar Store mops. So creative!

Oh yeah, and they also carried dynamite sticks. They are miners you know!

Our lovely Snow White.

The gal in the middle is Kebby and she is a hoot! She came as a “Bag Lady.” Check out that plastic bag bustier. Hilarious!

Me and a mystery masked woman — it’s actually my friend Pauline.

Another masked kitty!

This is Audrey and we call her “Foxy Lady” on account of her license plate on her walker. She is a riot and is actually wearing one of my hats in this picture.

This is another costume that won a prize — for funniest. Nurse Pat was awesome!

These gals didn’t wear a costume but I still think they look great. Both are named Mary — we have 10 Marys living where I work.
After this party, two days later, Chucklebutt and I threw a party at our house. It was so much fun!

We put on a spread for the gang and the skull cake came out well. The key to our success was using Baker’s Joy. It worked like a charm.

I sure could go for one of those cupcakes!

This year I discovered at Joann’s, Martha Stewart’s cut outs. They were so much fun to work with and added a nice dimension.

Chuck loved the mice holes.

The crows were fun too!


We had over 30 people in the house. It was awesome!

My crazy friend Lori. She’s a Bad Fairy!

Pauline with yet another pretty mask.

Chuck was my hero and made the bubbling cauldron happen. It was so much fun to play with the dry ice.

This is my favorite picture. The gal in red is my dear friend Vicki. We were having such a good time.

Who is that handsome devil with the gorgeous curls? 😀

I love this picture of Pat. She looks so darn cute!

Lori and I hamming it up for the camera.

Chucklebutt got a final shot of folks on the bus. Everyone is so darn cute!
So Merry Halloween … I mean Happy Christmas… Easter… Valentines Day? Oh good grief! Happy Monday and I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Turkey Day!