When last we left our daring duo, they had narrowly escaped from the family from The Hills Have Eyes. Okay, that might have been a bit of an exaggeration. But I swear I heard “Dueling Bangos” off in the distance.
The next day we were so whupped from the night before, that we slept in super late. Once we woke up, we headed to one of our favorite eating establishments — Fargo’s.
While I normally love their food, I think I might have gotten a bad burger. I didn’t feel so hot after our late lunch. Poo! 🙁
Chuck mugging for the camera. This is the front of the restaurant and clearly Chucklebutt’s meal had no effect whatsoever on him. We were going to do some more geocaching, but between an upset tummy and miscommunication, we started fussing and cussing and headed back to the hotel. I can’t remember really what I was so irritated about, but I was HOT! Momma would say (and Daddy too) that I had “a case of the ass.” Anywho, I took a nap and was much better when I woke up. It’s amazing how naps work like that.
The final day, we headed up to the West Clear Creek Wilderness. For all you Arizonans, this is a gorgeous area and I recommend it to anyone who can hike down into a canyon. Again, we had to do the dirt road thing and actually cross a few fences.
Breakin’ the Law! Breakin’ the Law!
There were a few other cars in the parking area and some folks getting ready to go down the canyon. An older gentleman who was just coming up from below, told me that it was an incredible sight. I have been wanting to do this hike for the past three years. Finally we were here!
The following pictures will not do the area any justice, but it was seriously steep!
Pretty blooms. Nice shots Chuck!
Just through those trees is gorgeous West Clear Creek.
Check out that view!
Words cannot describe how awesome the canyon was.
Chuck is too cute swimming.
The water was sooo cold, but we finally got used to it and found some really deep pockets to swim in. We swam for quite a long time and eventually our whole bodies became numb. I really didn’t want to leave. We’ve promised each other to take a weekend in July and head back up so we can camp. There were great spots along the sand bars to pitch a tent. We’re also bringing our fishing poles next time. 😀
Climbing back up the canyon was a bitch! Boy are we out of shape. Some young whipper snappers came running by and we choked on their dust. We had to take it slow so as not to have a coronary.
Jiggle Puff taking a breather. Does my butt look big? 😀
We used muscles that I didn’t even know I had. We were both walking like little old people for the next two days. Ouch!
This was an awesome adventure and I can’t wait to go back. Thanks Baby for a great time.