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Bad Kitty!

We love our girls — the feline ones that is.  Scout and Daisy are sweet, for the most part, and bring us a lot of joy and love.  Mom’s kitties — Hope and Faith — are just as loving if not more so.  Muffin was my childhood kitty and she was one in a million.  It is safe to say that I have never had a bad kitty.  However, they are out there and I have met one face to fur, and lived to tell about it.  Her name is Missy and she is a BAD KITTY!

Do you know Bad Kitty?  This is a fabulous book that my dear Aunt Meme gave to me and it describes her kitty to a T.  Her kitty is Missy and she looks just like the kitty on the cover.  She also shares a very strong resemblance with Basement Kitty.  You know Basement Kitty?

Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but she definitely looks like the next one.

Pretty fluffy tail included.  My aunt and uncle have had Missy for many years.  They got her as a kitten and she has always been a little “off.”  Sorta like the sociopathic child.  She was never abused, and yet she hisses and bites and is an all-around pill to everyone she comes in contact with.  The week my father died, she attacked my great uncle and drew blood.  While I’d like to think that was her way of showing grief, something tells me it was more a crime of opportunity.  As a younger person, I can remember walking into her bedroom (yes she had her own room) and she would lift her head and hiss at me.  It went some thing like this.  “Hey Missy.”  “Hissssssssssss!”  “Why you gotta be such a hater?”  “Hisssssssssss!”  Her vocabulary has always been limited.

Fast forward at least 11 years.  Missy is still alive and kicking and terrorizing a whole new generation.

After Mom and I left Savannah on Sunday, we headed up the coast to Charleston to visit my aunt and uncle — and by proxy, Missy.  As soon as we got to their house, my cousin’s 3 year old daughter comes running out to great us.  She is precious personified, complete with curly hair that would make Shirley Temple jealous.  Anyhoo, she comes running up to Mom (who btw is deaf in one ear) and proceeds to twitter like only 3 year olds can.  Mom is hilarious in the re-enacting, but I’ll do my best.  “meep whee ooo smeeeg haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (done in a real breathy sounding voice)!”  Mom immediately translates the “haaaaaaaa” as a hiss and voila!  Mom is being given a warning about Missy!  Sure enough, once in the house, Bad Kitty hisses at us and runs off.  I guess there’s comfort in constants!  😀  Later when the other kids arrived they all begged my aunt to “put Missy up!  put Missy up!”  I had to tease my aunt about traumatizing her grandchildren, but it’s good to know that Missy hasn’t lost her effectiveness in old age.  She is one bad kitty!

Here are a few shots of me and the fam.  It was great visiting with them.  I wish we didn’t live so far away.

Three generations of good looking women.  Can you guess which one is the harbinger of “bad kitty doom?”

Savannah Day Three

I realize that I am so late with this post, but I still wanted to show everyone pictures of our amazing craft day in Savannah.

While it was a rainy day, the beauty under the Big Top was incredible!

So many goodies!  I was really worried about getting everything back on the plane.  (Incidentally, if you are 1 pound over the limit, Delta charges you 90 bucks!!  Holy Cow!  They really don’t want you going over the limit.)

Isn’t that tree gorgeous?  I love all the Spanish moss.

Our first class was with Miss Dollybelle herself — Christine Rose Elle.

After Christine’s class, we began making our parasols.  I had such a great time working with all the fabrics, especially the ones from Sisboom.  I had some trouble using the no-sew tape, but that’s what mothers are for.  😀

This is Charlene and she is so much fun!  I really connected with her and I hope to visit her in Texas come the fall.  The Marburger Farm Antique Show isn’t too far from where she is.  That way I can feed my addiction to Magnolia Pearl duds.

This is the Ford Plantation and we were lucky enough to get to eat lunch inside.

Hey Miss Scarlett!

One of the participants made each of us a white chocolate parasol.  Yummy!

Lunch was delicious and I had my first Amaretto Sour.  To die for!  I could go for one right now.

This was the picture from the outside of the house.  Isn’t that gorgeous?!

I love hydrangea.  I think it might be my favorite flower.  I sure do miss seeing them grow.  It’s too dry and hot for them in Arizona.

The final class of the day was the lovely Miss Tiffany’s.

I’ve been following her blog for quite some time and it was great finally meeting her.  She is one of the most sincere people I have ever met.  Completely genuine — no airs — my kind of gal!

Doesn’t Mom looking sassy?

Mom and I with the gracious hostess — Thanks Jenn for an awesome weekend!

Gasoline and green dust?  What does that have to do with crafting?  Oh yes, killing fire ants.  They were some pesky, uninvited critters that really liked Mom.  She got bit and there was some drama when her foot swelled.  Next year we’ll bring some industrial size “Off.”

I think the neatest thing about this whole event was the amount of time we were able to socialize with each other.  I met some incredible women and I hope to keep in contact.  Miss you gals!!  Can’t wait to read the article in Where Women Create.