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Art Retreats
Petticoats and Parasols
An Affaire in Wonderland
An Artistic Affaire - L’Automne
An Artistic Affaire - Printemps

Blog Parties
Hauntingly Magical Celebraion

My New Favorite Song!

It plays during the ending credits of Shutter Island.

More of Jerome

So where was I?  Oh yes — adventure in Jerome.  Here are more pictures of the inside of our apartment —

I loved the little kitchen.  We didn’t get a chance to use it except to heat up our leftovers.  Next time I look forward to cooking a little meal.

The bathroom was trippy.  Check out the steps!  I had to really watch myself at night.  You know how you try to stay mostly asleep when you use the potty at night?  Well, that could be a bit dangerous here.

There was also a weird little window that looked out to the bedroom from the bathroom.

This is the Verde River.  It took us three times to get this shot.  Chucklebutt finally put the timer on 20 seconds.  He almost slipped and fell into the river the first two times.  That would have been a good shot! 😀

This was the bridge that led to —

— absolutely nowhere.  It is a pretty big bridge that leads to a pretty big dirt wall.  Weird eh?

This is Cottonwood’s old jail.  Alas it was Sunday, and we couldn’t get inside.  There was supposed to be a geocache nearby, but we couldn’t find it.  Poop.

After traipsing around Cottonwood, we headed to the Dead Horse Ranch State Park.  I have no idea why they call it that — perhaps a horse died in the vicinity at some point in time.  At the park, they had lagoons stocked with fish.  Chuck got some real nice shots of the cat tails.  I, apparently, have never encountered a cat tail and was quite surprised when it exploded onto me.


Look who’s coming out of the bullrushes.  Again, he was lucky not to fall in.

On our way home, we finally encountered SNOW!  Yipee!! We both were pretty stoked about seeing the white stuff.

The sun had gone down and we trying to take advantage of the last remaining rays of light.

It was a great weekend and I wish we could have stayed longer.

Incidentally, I finally completed all my Valentine’s Swaps.  I haven’t had a chance to take pics of my partners doll, but this is what I made Cindy over at Thimbleprims.  Special thanks to Jenny Hernandez for the inspiration.

Does she look familiar?

How about now?

Ah the joys of working as an activity director — nobody is surprised when you show up to work looking like a Valentine Fairy.  😀

I hope that everyone has a great week!  Chucklebutt is in Daytona — he made it in two days — and I take the red eye on Wednesday to join him.  I’m so excited about Bike Week, however my car is literally running on borrowed time and I just pray she can get me to the airport.  Wish me luck!