Valentine’s Day! Hearts and cupids and love — Oh My!
Even as a child, Valentine’s Day has always been my favorite holiday. I can remember vividly making a large decorated envelop in my 3rd grade art class in order to hold all my treats. In 10th grade, I had a super crush on an older boy named Will. I desperately wanted to send him a Valentine but didn’t want to necessarily single him out. For weeks I devised a devious plan to send everyone a Valentine so he wouldn’t think he was too special. Low and behold, a week before the big day he got kicked out of school for smoking (or maybe it was drinking- I don’t rightly remember.) My fifteen year old spirit was utterly crushed! I ended up sending it to his house, and believe it or not, I still have his reply in my keepsake tin.
When I first met Chucklebutt, he completely spoiled me that first Valentine’s Day. He did a whole 14 days of February theme. Every day I received a sweet sentiment from him. The gifts were as simple as a love note on my car to a barber shop quartet sent to my place of work. The two gifts that were most impressive were a car wash and flowers. While I was working at a local sound studio, Chuck loaded up a sponge plus a few gallons of water on his bike and proceeded to surprise me by giving Ms. Hecate a bath. That’s a pretty tall order when you only have so much room on a bike. A few days later, he completely decorated my car in roses, carnations and daisies. When I left work, I was completely floored by the beautiful sight. Every nook and cranny had a flower sticking out of it. It was amazing and you should have seen me cruising down Interstate 40!
So needless to say, I seriously dig Valentine’s Day. I may have mellowed a bit since being married, but my heart still goes a flutter with all the red, white and pink.
My momma knows that I love this holiday. Check out what she made for me.
Isn’t it precious?!
Thank you Mamasita! I love it!
In other Valentine news, I am part of two swaps. The first one is:
Vintage Valentine Swap
This is being sponsored by Susan over at Rabbit Hollow Prims. I am almost finished with my doll but have some last minute details to add. Cindy is my partner over at Thimbleprims Studio and she does amazing work. I can’t wait to see what she’s done. I’ll admit, I am bit intimidated because her work is so amazing.
The next swap I did was over at Cathy Scalise’s:
We have to wait until the big day to actually post pics, but I’ll leave everyone with a teaser of what I made for my partner Haley.
I opened her package yesterday and the stuff she gave me is so fun. Chucklebutt hasn’t taken pics yet, but I look forward to sharing with everyone on Sunday.
Incidentally, we’re headed up to Jerome for the weekend and I am so excited. It seems like everyone in the whole world has been getting snow except for us. I have my fingers crossed that there will still be snow on the mountain come Saturday. I’m looking forward to a weekend spent outdoors. It’s always an adventure with Jiggle Puff and Chucklebutt! 😀 Mind you we both a crap load of work to get done before Friday. If we don’t kill each other or pass out from a lack of sleep it will be all good! (What do the Aussies say? Oh yeah, “No worries!”)
Hope everyone is well in blogland!