Despite the fact that Chucklebutt finally got me sick and I stayed home from work today, our Christmas holidays were great. Mom leaves tomorrow and we both agree her visit was way too short. Poop — I don’t want her to leave. It’s been a very relaxing holiday with not too much fuss.
I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve been wearing the same jammies and sweater for the past five days. Like my feet? BTW — the above picture is nothing more than (what does Phil Collins say?) “a pack of lies!” Chucklebutt shaved off some of our pudge for this photo. Oh the wicked marvels of photoshop. Super HDR shot however.
I love our Christmas tree. It has so many awesome ornaments for years gone by that it bubbles with nostalgia. The red bird is one of Chuck’s mother’s from the 1950’s. I’ve been putting those on our tree for the past five years and I just learned this season that the tail is actually spun glass. The pink ball is probably my favorite ornament. It comes from a lovely lady named Helen Hanbach. She has been gone for many years, but she loved strawberries. She lived down the street from us and her entire kitchen was done in a strawberry motif. As a child I absolutely loved it! She also was amazing with African violets, but that’s another story. Anyway, I love the way this ball stands out. When only the tree lights are on, it draws your focus immediately. The first year we were in Arizona, the girls proceeded to topple our tree and it cracked. There is a pretty big gash on the backside, but I will continue to put it on our tree until it disintegrates.
I love that mushroom. I got it last year from Macy’s.
I am such a junky for old school Putz houses.
Chuck really likes the picture — silver bells! 😀
Vintage Santa from the 1950’s — again it comes from his mother’s stash.
It’s hard to decipher from this pic, but the red house is Chucklebutt’s favorite ornament. It has a bunch of birds coming out of it and when you plug it in the whole ornament cheeps. His grandparents gave it to him.
We look like a modern day American Gothic. 😀
Nothings says Christmas like a Tie-Fighter. Oh. Yeah. That’s Darth Vader. Hot! I actually have a whole slew of Star Wars and Star Trek ornaments. When we plug our tree in, we have to listen to the Emperor giving orders from the Death Star to blow up the rebellion (Return of the Jedi). “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas — FIRE AT WILL COMMANDER!” We’re a bit wacky over here.
This is my newest tree and resides in our kitchen. I bought the tree last year at the end of the season and decided to make it a sweets tree.
Mom helped me with my village which sits atop the entertainment center. She suggested I add lights and angel hair (scored some vintage boxes of the awesome stuff at Goodwill for 40 cents) and I think it really adds to the coziness.
Christmas dinner was yummilicious. Mom made a delicious rib roast with horseradish sauce and rice and mushrooms (Chuck’s favorite). Chucklebutt grilled the asparagus (so good!) and I pretty much supervised. 😀 We sat at the kitchen table and it was super sweet.
Such a sweet Christmas kitty!
We look a little rough around the edges, but boy do we have good teeth! 😀
Saturday night we started working on a crafty project. Thanks to Jenny at Polka Dot Pixie, we made some snowman. (Nice feet Ma!)
I took Jenny’s class a few weeks ago and made a Santa. I figured that a snowman would be a lot easier.
Chuck took pictures of our final projects this evening and I’ll post them tomorrow.
I wish I could think of a pithy caption for this pic. (I am a huge fan of I Can Has Cheeseburger. Shhh-don’t tell anyone.)
Well, I haven’t even started my Christmas cards and believe it or not I still have some trees to put up. On Saturday I’m having all my residents over for a New Year’s Tea. Luckily most of the cleaning is already done.
I hope that everyone has had a great holiday and enjoyed their family and friends. Hugs to All!