…the making of a great adventure! This past weekend, Chucklebutt and I headed to Payson, AZ for some much needed rest and relaxation. Actually, we were in search of some serious swimming holes and adventure. Mom was making bets on when we would get out of town. We usually have a hard time getting our act together, but I figured we’d be on the road by 7pm. I wasn’t too disappointed when we drove away from the house at 8:20, however I was in for a shock at 9 when Chuck started cussing up a storm. Apparently he forgot his hiking boots. Soooooooooo, we headed home and were back on the road an hour later. Moral of the story? Mom is always right! 😉

Finally, on the road again…
Saturday we headed to the amazing Tonto Natural Bridge — the world’s largest natural travertine bridge. We were doing some geocaches in the area and were not really knowing what to expect.

There were signs everywhere warning of the perils and hazards of all the trails. I wasn’t too sure what the big deal was until we made it into the canyon and rounded a bend.

The perspective of these pictures are way off, but that arch is HUGE!! Not to mention far away. We didn’t realize that we had been walking across the bridge earlier.

Check out the tiny people in the background. That gives a sense of perspective. Behind Chuck and to the right is a cliff — that is the path hikers are supposed to take. It was a bit precarious.

This pic is taken from the opposite direction. Check out the steep slope behind Chuck. It doesn’t look impressive, but when you’re up that high and your pack is pulling you away from the wall, it’s a perfect time to have a panic attack. Did I mention that the rocks are damp from water raining down and I’m wearing Tevas? Not the most grip worthy foot wear. I envision myself slipping off the rocks, knocking my head and careening into the turquoise water below. Immediately I started hissing at Chucklebutt — “chuck! chuck! CHUCK!!” “What?!” “Take my pack before my lemming tendencies get the best of me!” I shimmied down and my heart rate starts to calm down. Finally I could enjoy the view.

Alas, we were not allowed to swim under the bridge.

Can you spot the Jiggle Puff in this photo?

See all the people on the other side?

Matching water bladders — yeah, we’re goofy!

The next day, we headed into the little town of Strawberry to find “the oldest standing school in Arizona.”

We then decided to go swimming with some locals. I’m not sure she’s very impressed with Chucklebutt.

This is Haigler Creek and boy was it cold! Isn’t that tree awesome? I love the root system. Doesn’t it look like a troll should be living in it?

Chuck was a big wimp and wouldn’t get all the way into the water. He hung out along the shore and just let his feet dangle. Lo and behold, a crawdad took a big bite out of him and scared him to death. We were going to explore further up stream, however we had a hot date with flat tire.

Yeah, our adventures aren’t complete until the rental gets a flat and we’re stranded off of two dirt roads. Thank God for Chuck!

Yes you crazy man — you’re my hero!
The other exciting thing that happened to us was a massive fire — not California fire scale, but still about 500 acres. The smoke was so thick on our way home that we could both smell and see it.
It was a great getaway, but like I told Chuck, I’m greedy and haven’t had my fill! I’m ready to go back next weekend!