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Art Retreats
Petticoats and Parasols
An Affaire in Wonderland
An Artistic Affaire - L’Automne
An Artistic Affaire - Printemps

Blog Parties
Hauntingly Magical Celebraion

Artistic Affaire

So before staples, narcotics and hospital visits (boy that seems so long ago) Mom and I took a most amazing journey to Los Angeles to be a part of Kim Caldwell’s Artisitc Affaire.  The best way to describe it is a decadent, day-long art retreat.  We headed out the Friday before my surgery in an awesome rental car that Chucklebutt got for us.

We were up early on Saturday morning and at the venue by 8:30am.  What an amazing time!



Oh yeah, those hydrangeas are real!




The attention to detail was amazing.  Everywhere you looked was pink eye candy — right down to the pink M&M’s.



Even the clear plastic cups were pink!


All the crafting took place in the upstairs of a warehouse style loft.


I love this pic of Mom.  I’m sorry it’s so dark — there were windows everywhere and it was hard to get my camera to cooperate.


Our first project was from the amazing Amy Powers — a a Home Sweet Home wreath.  Mom and I just finished them today.  Chucklebutt will take some artsy photos of it tomorrow and I’ll be sure to post it.  Check out my mad sewing skillz!


Me and Amy.  OMG she is so darn cute!  I love her apron and pants.

After our first class, we had lunch and then began working on our mosaic boxes from Michelle — the Mosaic Queen.  It was so fun smashing all that china.


Here’s Mom working with the tile nippers.

After the mosaic class, we had a tea.  It was delicious and the presentation was precious!




I love cupcakes and these were perfect!


This arrangement was real as well.  It was absolutely gorgeous.



We were crafting until 9pm at night!  Talk about an amazing experience!  We grazed on delicious food and got artsy all day long!


These were the ladies who sat at our table — Marilyn, Elizabeth and Nancy.  They were lots of fun.


During one of our many snack breaks, we exchanged bird houses from the Home Tweet Home Swap.  The amazing Christine– of Dollybelle fame– was my partner and she really outdid herself with my birdhouse!  Christine was also a vendor and Mom and I bought quite a bit from her.


Here’s Mom standing in front of Christine’s both.  She had the most amazing jewelry.


Here is a pic of all the birdhouses — actually I didn’t get all of them in the shot, but you get the idea.


I swiped this photo from Kim’s blog since I didn’t take a picture of the birdhouse I made.

Well my energy is fading so I better go take a breather.  I hear Mom’s brownies calling me.

Home, Healing and a Happy Anniversary

After quite a few concerned emails and one or two phone calls, I realized that I had not let the world know I am free from the hospital.  I came home last Saturday evening and have been healing quite nicely.  Slowly I am weening myself off of the narcotics (they have been giving me some CRAZY dreams) and the ibuprofen seems to be doing the trick.  Mom has been feeding us very well and Chuck has been helping me keep my massive amount of hair in check.

Mom and I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday to get out of the house, and afterwards, I was completely exhausted.  I have never felt this tired in my entire life.  Who knew that surgery could drain one’s energy so completely?!

I have received quite a few cards and emails from my residents wishing me well.  Thanks everyone for all your prayers and good thoughts!

Today, Chucklebutt and I celebrate our 4th anniversary.  Wow!  Where does the time go?  Just yesterday, my limo caught fire and a man I never met had to take Mom and I to the service.  We’ll have a proper celebration once I’m fully healed, but I want to take a moment and thank him for being a wonderful life’s partner.  Thank you Baby for all your love and support!


What a Goonie pair we are!  (We took this pic a few weeks ago while watching “My Bloody Valentine 3D.”  After a few minutes, the 3D effects started giving us a headache so we switched to the regular movie.  It was so bad.  Don’t waste your money.)

I’ll leave everyone with some recent shots of Mom, Chuck and the girls.


Scooter and Mom have finally become buddies.  Once I got home from the hospital, Scout would not leave my side.  She goes absolutely everywhere with me — to the bathroom, my craftroom, Mom’s room, the kitchen, my bed — you name it, and she is there, right by my side.  Daisy, however, is another story.  She could care less.


I wonder if Scout wasn’t around, would Daisy worry about me?  Probably not.  She just lays on the bed all day until it’s time to eat.  She is such a daddy’s girl.

Again, thank you to everyone for all their positive thoughts, energy and prayers.  They have definitely helped with the healing process. Love to All!