I think I finally have our bed the way I want it.

I’m sure I’ll tweak it here and there, but for the most part, it’s pretty darn close to my vision. I think the bed crown needs something — maybe some little lights or even a paint job — and I’ll probably sparkle up a couple pillows. And I’ve got to find another spot for the hope chest so we can appreciate the bed frame. Aside from that, I think it will be a luxurious bed in which to heal. Daisy seems to love the new bedding and enjoys bathing on it. In all fairness, however, she would enjoy a cot.

Yeah, that bed crown definitely needs some jazzing up. After quite a long search, I found it on ebay. Not only was it the least ostentatious, but it was also the cheapest. All the other crowns started at 200! I just couldn’t see spending that amount of money and was getting ready to give up, when the ebay elves led me to this find. (To all my family, the macramed light in the back was made by Bopka and hung in her Florida room for years!)

I still don’t have anything on the walls, although I definitely have visions! It took us so long to paint, that I am a bit weary to start putting holes in the wall. I guess I should just go for it.

Awww! I love all our pillows. Chucklebutt always makes a snide comment on the amount (oh yeah, there’s 15) but they are so comfy. With the exception of 4, all are feather. The cross stitch one I found at an antique store and immediately fell in love with it. I didn’t buy it right away, but after a few days, it was haunting my dreams. I had to have it. It’s just the right amount of feathers and reminds me a bit of one of my mother’s pillows.

She’s such a pretty kitty. Thank you Chuck for letting me girly up our room! Nice photos.
Life has had it’s ups and downs. I was in a pretty big funk at the beginning of the week. For those of you that have never lived in the desert, you can’t imagine the sun being depressing — believe me, it is. We’ve had two weeks of 100+ weather. My car has been overheating and I all I’ve wanted to do is sleep — sorta like a snake. Why in the world humans ever choose to settle in this godforsaken land I’ll never know. But then yesterday we had a reprieve — a cloudy day!! And rain!! And today we were greeted with the same glorious weather — rainy and cloudy. It was awesome and my whole world looked better. Weather is a huge factor in forecasting my attitude. I’m a little worried about how Mom is going to handle the heat. She will be here one week from today. Yipee! She’s going to be here soon! The coming weeks are going to be an adventure for all of us.
On a final note, have any of you seen a live chicken killed? Today I was the only person in a group of ten that had not seen a live chicken being killed. Every Thursday I lead a Reminiscing group with my residents. Today we talked about how we get our food today versus when they were children. Boy did I learn a lot! Ice deliveries, coloring lard, slopping pigs, milking cows and killing chickens! I was amazed and the ladies laughed at my ignorance. Quite a few had actually done the deed themselves. I learned quite a bit about the nuances of chicken killing (did you know that you have to singe the pin feathers off?). Afterwards I called my mother and asked her if she had ever seen a chicken killed. To my amazement, she had. It’s funny when you think you know everything about your parents and then they surprise you with a story. I wonder what else I don’t know. . .