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Vote for Chucklebutt!

Chucklebutt submitted two photos for the next issue of JPG Magazine, as well as several in the general themes.  Go vote, “prop” and comment! Voting is open until June 9.

Help Chucklebutt Win Something!

This is a post from Chucklebutt. The Chucklebutt of Jiggle-Puff and Chuckle E. Butt. I have a favor to ask of you, the readers of Jiggle Puff’s blog…

Please nominate my photography business at Office Depot‘s small business contest.

All you need to do is select this link, select my business name at the bottom-right of the screen (it will be automatically shown; you just need to select it), enter your email address (for tracking nominations) and hit “nominate business”. You’ll get a 14% coupon you can use at Office Depot for your time and trouble.

You can nominate me every day until May 31. There are daily prizes as well as several “big” prizes at the end, so as many nominations as you can generate from now until May 31 will really help. If I win, I’ll send you a cool print of Tempe Town Lake’s Light Rail Bridge or something. 😉

Thanks for you time — Now back to your normal fix of Jiggly-Puff-n-Stuff-ness.