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We’ve Made Contact Once Again!

Warning:  The following pictures depict gratuitous cuteness.  Not responsible for warm, cuddly feelings or exclamations of Ooooooohs and Awwwwwwwwhs.

On Saturday, while Chucklebutt was working on the computer, I was busy outside sanding a shelf.  When I went to hose down our porch, I noticed a critter running furiously towards the spigot.  I knew it was a bunny and I had high hopes of catching it.  My past two attempts had been thwarted earlier this year.   As I tried sneaking up on it, I noticed a gigantic lizard hanging out nearby.  The lizard was gorgeous but gave me the willies.  Once he skittered away, I made my move.  The bunny wasn’t having any of it and proceeded to dig underneath a planter.  I grabbed her foot and she gave a loud “EEEEEEEP!  She’s got me!” and I stuffed her in my shirt.


I banged on the window to get Chuck to come out for the photo shoot.  We had a ball!  Bare with us.


Right after this shot, she leaped over my shoulder and gave out another “EEEEEP!”  This time I let Chuck get her.


Bunnies make me feel good!


I could have hung out with her all day.


“Please put me down.”


Now it’s Chuck’s turn.


Put. Me. Down. Now.


Chucklebutt loves bunnies as much as I do.


Don’t you just want to touch her ears?


Please don’t touch my ears.”


Her feet are adorable!  “Oh the indignities.”


Cup ‘0 Bunny.


“I’m … feeling … sleepy….”

Afterwards, we set her down and off she went.  She hung around for a little while and I gave her some parsley and water.  I’m not sure whether she ate or drank anything — she was just happy to be out of our grubby little paws.

Sigh.  Life is good.  I’ve had my bunny fix for the year.  🙂

The Best Vampire Movie Ever…

A couple days ago, Chucklebutt and I rented two movies.  One was The Day the Earth Stood Still (Klaatu baada nikto!) the other was Let the Right One In — touted as “the best vampire movie ever.”lettheright-small

So, that byline is a bit misleading.  It should read something like, “the best vampire movie to ever come out of Sweden,” or “the best ever artsy fartsy, avant garde vampire movie.”  Chuck has decided that it is the “suckiest vampire movie to ever grace the silver screen,” but he’s not one into lingering shots of dismal landscape or silent close-ups on really depressing characters.  The movie had its moments, and the ending rocked, but I’ve seen better.

I got home tonight, and Chuck surprised me with a mini adventure.  It made up for yesterday when I came home and took a three hour nap.  We went geocaching around Apache Junction and had a really nice eveing.  We found five caches and just enjoyed walking around our little desert town, sharing each other’s company.


Yeah I’m wearing my uniform — but it’s so comfortable!


Most all of the our major signs have this little miner/donkey logo.  I think it’s too cute.  Apache Junction is at the base of the Superstition Mountains and there are lots of stories about the Lost Dutchman Mine.  I fantasize about Chucklebutt and I finding the mother load on one of our hikes.


This is the sign leaving town.


Isn’t that saguaro cactus gorgeous?!  I think they are such majestic plants.  They are one of my favorite things about living in the desert — that and the smell of rain in the desert.


Thank you so much Chucklebutt for a great evening!  I love you and our adventures!