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Art Retreats
Petticoats and Parasols
An Affaire in Wonderland
An Artistic Affaire - L’Automne
An Artistic Affaire - Printemps

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Hauntingly Magical Celebraion

Crafty Censorship

At the beginning of every rehearsal, I have my students do a check-in.  I learned this little gem from the awesomness that is “Cornerstone Theatre.”  If you don’t know Cornerstone, it is the closest thing we have to a national theatre in this country.  They are amazing and do amazing work.  (Here’s a shout out to paula d. if she’s reading this.  Miss and love you girl.)

Anyway, the check-in is a chance for the kids to let each of us know where they are at the moment. (Life is great.  I broke up with my boyfriend.  I failed my math test.  She loves me.  Etc.)  With my younger students, I do something called “Rose & Thorn.”  They can tell us one good thing — a rose– and one bad thing — a thorn.  Today,  my rose was life is going great.  I really have no complaints and at the moment am drama free.  We dyed Easter Eggs at work and I had a kick-ass sandwich from Crazy Subs.  A good hoagie can make everything okay.  😀

As far as my thorn is concerned, I discovered a most disturbing article on Jezebel at the beginning of the week.  Incidentally, Jezebel is my all time favorite blog that I love to decompress to.  Their byline is “Celebrity, Sex and Fashion for Women.  Without Airbrushing.”  It’s a riot, and for the most part is fodder for the brain.  However, occasionally, they have some pretty interesting articles.  Take for intstance, the fact that Joann’s Fabric Store is refusing to carry the latest issue of Quilter’s Home.  Now to be honest, I have never even heard of Quilter’s Home — I’m a Quilting Arts gal — but I couldn’t believe why they were censoring this magazine.


Just like the cover says, there was “controversial patchwork.”  According to the article, Quilter’s Home offered to wrap the issue in a brown bag — just like a girlie magazine– in order to protect all those naive crafters.  Hah!

So what did the quilts look like?  See for yourself:


jesusThis one is titled “Who Would Jesus Bomb?”


In my opinion, this was the most intense piece.  It is a response to the state flag of  Mississippi.  It definitely evokes some strong emotions.


Yeah, those little blue pills are Viagra.  If you look closer, you can see floating peni.  I think this one is hilarious!  What’s wrong with Joann’s?  If you want to check out the article, click here.

Finally, who’s to say crafting can’t be something more than eye candy?  These quilters have definitely given me something to think about.

Springtime, the Light Rail and Advance Directives

On Monday, my residents and I took a trip to the end of the light rail.  We voted on the massive project back in 2004 (the year Chucklebutt and I moved to hell) and lots of folks said it would never work.   All I can say is it was jam-packed (on account of opening day at the ball park) and we had a great time.  We had to wait about twenty minutes in line for tickets, but once we were on board, we traveled like rock stars.  At the end of the rail, we ate at a local restaurant and then headed back home.  Luckily, the ball game was still going on, so we had the light rail all to ourselves.


I love this picture of the folks.  They look so happy and carefree.  Check out that gorgeous Arizona sky!  It’s almost as good as a Carolina sky (how ’bout them Heels?!).


This is Claudia looking all fierce!

It was really a great day, and we didn’t get home until after 4pm.

Last weekend, I received my goodies from Bethanie.  Holy Cow!  She flat out spoiled me with this swap.  Check out the booty:


OMG!  Are those S&H Greenstamps in the upper left hand corner?  Did that ever bring back some pleasant memories.  Sigh.  Our groceries stores used to give them out and then my grandmother (Bopka) and I would spend hours licking them and putting them in the booklets.  That was one of our”things” that we would do together — sit at the kitchen table and organize the booklets.  I wish she was here to reminisce with me.


I love this little rabbit.  I pick it up at least twice a day and just marvel at its cuteness.


This is my other favorite treasure.  It’s an old bridge tally card with faires on it.  Who doesn’t love fairies?  I LOVE fairies!!


Daisy had to get in on the action.  If it’s string-like, she’s got to be a part of it.

Thank you so much Bethanie for such a great package of springtime sweetness.  I hope that you have finally received yours.

I got home today, and Chucklebutt informed me that he no longer wanted me as his medical power of attorney.  I asked him why, and he provided some incriminating photographs which didn’t fare well for me.


I’m a bad mommy to plants.


Chucklebutt was not impressed with my deciscion to get rid of the petunias.  They are mostly dead to me (due to lack of watering) and so I was getting ready to put them in a shallow unmarked grave.  But noooooooooooooo, not Chucklebutt!  He refuses to let them go.  He wonders if I’m going to be too quick to pull the proverbial plug.  “Nurse, he looks like he’s lost most of his blooms.  You can stop feeding him and just prop him up in the corner.  I’ll take him out next week with the trash.”   Bwahahahahahaha!

Finally, I found another awesome animated video on youtube.  My allergies have been out of control lately and I feel like I’m having body meltdown.  Witness-