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Art Retreats
Petticoats and Parasols
An Affaire in Wonderland
An Artistic Affaire - L’Automne
An Artistic Affaire - Printemps

Blog Parties
Hauntingly Magical Celebraion

Baby Books, Blog-Give-Aways & Bodacious Journeys

Chucklebutt and I are off to the little mining town of Jerome.  We just rented a kick-ass Dodge Dakota truck and I am hooked.  I think it may be time to retire Hecate.  Anyway, we’re behind as usual and while I wait for Chuck to get ready, I thought I would post a few pics.

Thanks to my in-the-know mother, I just found out I won a give away over at Vintage by Crystal’s blog.  I had no idea until I got an email from my mom congratulating me.  I didn’t know what she was talking about.  What a surprise.  I love Crystal’s critters and now I have one of my very own.  I’m sure I’ll have to get a few more to keep this one company.  Check it out!

Yesterday was one of my co-worker’s last day before going on maternity leave.  She is going to have twins, and a few weeks ago we all threw her a baby shower.  I had all the ladies write various words of encouragement/advice on pieces of paper and then I composed a paper bag book in which to put them all.

There are more pictures, but I won’t bore everyone.  Inside the paper bags, I put all the notes and secured them with pretty clothes pins.  I had lots of fun working on it and I wish her and her babies nothing but the best!

Well, Chuck is ready and we are heading out.  I can’t wait to get there, as I’ve never been to Jerome but I’ve heard super things about it.  Every room in town was booked this weekend except for a little apartment over a cafe.  They don’t advertise and we only found it through word of mouth.  I’m so excited I could squeal!

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

Confessions of A Bad Blogger

Wow!  I have got to get better at catching up with the blogging world.  Everyday Mom politely says, "You still haven’t posted anything."  And even my Aunt Pudi has noticed how little I’ve been writing.  I swung by Paris Cowgirl last night and discovered that she had tagged me back on January 18th.  Sheesh!  I am way behind in my correspondence.  So what have I been doing?  Working on my very first swap.

They are large matchboxes.  We were to stuff them with all sorts of vintage-inspired crafting goodies.  Heaven knows, I have a plethora of vintage-inspired, crafting goodies!

I had a great time working on this project.

My partners live in Victoria, BC, Georgia and California.  I hope they like their boxes.

Thanks to Chucklebutt for taking some creative pictures.  I have no idea what I would do without him.  Currently, I’m working on a project to submit to Somerset and it involves a lot of irregular old photographs.  Chuck has been working really hard to get them to a presentable quality.  Hopefully I’ll have it finished by this weekend.

Not too much is going on here.  Everyday that Chuck is called to a major meeting at work, we hold our breath and hope that he still has a job.  So far so good.  He’s getting his bike ready for Daytona, and he just got super exciting news about a rally next year called Ten in Ten.  That’s right happy campers — ten days, 10,000 miles.  Holy Crap!  He has a lot of preparation to do.  Next weekend, we’re heading up to Jerome for a Valentine’s Day get-a-way. Neither one of us have been there, so I’m really looking forward to it.  I can’t way to see our hotel.  Every room in town was booked, however this nice man at the Mile High Inn told us about a room over the Flatiron Cafe.  Apparently, they don’t advertise and business is all word of mouth.  (Can you say "Hostel?")  Sure enough, it’s available and that’s where we’re headed.  Mom’s worried that it’s going to be like "Psycho."  The man at the Mile High Inn called it "precious."  All I can say is that we’re ready for an adventure!

Finally, the tagging — My 5 Obsessions

1. Q-tips  — I think this one is more of an addiction.

2. Kitty Cat Noses — when I see them, I have to touch them

3.  — if you need a laugh, this is the site

4. vintage lace — I always rationalize buying more.

5. McDonald’s Chocolate Chip Cookies  — you know it’s bad when the drive-though ladies recognize you and call you by name.

Now, I have to tag some more folks.  Christine, Gretchen, Mom and Aunt Pudi. 

Yipee!! It’s almost the weekend.