Holy Cow!! I just discoverd a new website which is completely addicting. It’s called Polyvore and it let’s you make super duper collages for free! Yes I said FREE! There are so many possibilities it hurts my head. Thank you to A Storybook Life for introducing it to me. She’s got some amazing collages on her blog. Check out my first endeavor
I’m just getting warmed up! Seriously, check it out!
On the homefront, Chuck had yet another blood test today to check out his kidneys. They’re investigating a possible blockage to one of his kidneys. Next Monday he has a full battery of tests done, so hopefully we’ll know more. He’s still taking an antibiotic for the elevated PSA levels, and they’re completely stumped about the liver. He’s taking it pretty well, considering all the issues.
The work front is going well, and I had auditions for both of my troupes this week. I’ve got fourteen kids in my Expree troupe and so far, 5 amazing young ladies in my intergenerational group.
I thought I’d leave everyone with an amazing youtube video about Remy and his family. Yes, he’she is still hanging out in the grill although I haven’t actually seen him lately. The nest continues to build. Perhaps I should tell him about this nifty temple in India.