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Vote for Chucklebutt!!!

Submitted to JPG Issue 18: On Stage.
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Congratulations Chucklebutt!

I am soooo proud of Chuck!  For the past year, he has been part of an online group called “DP Challenge.”  It is an international group of pro and amateur photographers who each week face a particular photographic challenge.  This past week, the challenge was food.  Chucklebutt made delicious sushi and then took a stunning photo.


He won EIGHTH place!   There were 134 entries.  Not too shabby eh?  He is tickled pink and floating on cloud nine.  With this picture, he met the following personal goals:  to place in the top ten percent, the top twenty, the top ten and to get a score greater than six.  The best part of this challenge was we got to eat the subject matter.  Yummy!  On a side note, there was another sushi picture that scored better than Chuck’s, but I think his looked way tastier.  If nothing else, the “fishy” mug should have scored more points for irony.  (Note:  Chuck tells me that this isn’t really irony, but you know what I mean.  Grin.)

On a completely different note, I just read a great blog entry from the amazing Andrea at Velvet Strawberries.  She discusses the ethics of using others’ images, ideas and designs.  For all you crafters/artists out there, it is a worthwhile read.  There is a fine line between being inspired by another artist and ripping off their work.  Being new to the whole scene, Andrea’s comments are a great reminder for those interested in selling their work.  It’s one thing if you are simply giving a family member a gift or using an idea for your own personal use, but once you hope to profit from something, that’s where it gets a bit more complicated.  Having just come out of graduate school, I am keenly aware of the rules and regulations surrounding plagiarism — the stealing of thoughts and ideas.  I’ve always applied it to written works but I am sure the same principles can be applied to works of art.  Hmmm.  Lots to think about.

I hope everyone is having a great week.  Tomorrow is humpday.  Yipee!  Be sure to go over and check out the other winners for the food challenge: Chucklebutt rocks!   Peace out!