Well it’s 10:30 at night and the weather is still 100 degrees. Whew! Good thing we have ac. It was a pretty uneventful weekend although I did see a professional production of “Oliver” on Saturday. I met some of the ladies from work and we had a really great afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised to see one of my students in the show. He did a great job and was excited to see me afterwards. I had all these plans to work on the house when I got back home but instead I fell asleep because:
Yes I do just love my bed! The saying on the opposite says “domestically disabled.” That’s true for me as well. Just ask Chucklebutt. I found the above book at Barnes & Noble a few weeks ago. It has many great snarky images and I’ll probably cut it up and make cards.
Today, I began putting my craft room back in order. I am not very good at keeping it organized. Later I took a break and helped the local economy by stopping by Superstition Antique Mall. Apparently it used to be right down the road from where I live. It was in a great historical hotel. Alas, the property was sold and the mall had to leave. The owner of the property leveled the hotel and now it sits bare and ugly. I sure don’t understand developers.
Anyway, I found some really neat things at really great prices. I’ve been working on a care package for my mother who is also an avid crafter. Here is a sneak peek of the goodies.

With the exception of the bling, I found everything either at Goodwill or the Lutheran Thrift Store.

Delicious rhinestones. Sorry Mom, the flower is actually staying with me. It will make a great embellishment for one of my hats.

I’d been spying this lovely for a couple of days, when I finally decided to get her. She was only 5 bucks, but oh my gosh, she smells like the bowels of hell. The clerk told me her hair had actually rotted, hence the stench. I had her in the back of my trunk for a couple of days, but her funk started to ooze into the main part of the car. Chucklebutt was none too pleased with me. In fact, she’s hanging out on our side porch until I can figure out what to do with her. I’m thinking I may just throw her in the dishwasher.

I got the cup and saucer and pink box up in Sedona. I’m a little obsessed with old pieces of china. I like the mismatched look.

I love this hatbox. I found it at tag sale a few weeks ago. The crocheted “thing” is actually a bonnet and is too cute.

This treasure I found at Half Priced Books. Every once in a while you can find some really great vintage children’s books. This was part of a set and I got all of them for a steal.

Chuck says this is a story about me — Jiggle Puff (cream puff). It’s by Carl Sandburg. Ahhhh, home.
Well, I hope that everyone had a great weekend. I have one more week of camp and then I’m back full time with the seniors. Chuck leaves for Utah on Thursday — hopefully. He always has some sort of problem with his bike. The Utah 1088 is on Saturday (1000 miles in a 24 hour period). He is really looking forward to it and I hope he doesn’t hit any snags. I’ve got to be at work super early tomorrow to teach one of my 83 year old residents about word processing. She’s never used a computer and would like to begin recording her memoirs. I think it’s a great idea although it is going to be challenging teaching someone to use a mouse who’s never done so.
I better get to bed. It’s going to be a long day. I got sucked into TLC’s “The Boy Who..” First it was “The Boy With a New Head,” then “The Boy With Proteus” (that wasn’t the name, but I forgot it) and finally, “The Boy Who Sees Through Sound.” TLC is so cool. I leave everyone with my pretty kitty and a final thought:

Isn’t she cute? I actually snapped this shot. I need to learn how to use Chuck’s camera.

How true! Tee Hee!