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Art Retreats
Petticoats and Parasols
An Affaire in Wonderland
An Artistic Affaire - L’Automne
An Artistic Affaire - Printemps

Blog Parties
Hauntingly Magical Celebraion

Walking the Halls

…okay, maybe not “the halls,” but A hall. Okay, part of a hall. 😉

I’m finally up and walking today, just a little at a time, but it feels good to get out of bed for a little bit. Chucklebutt is having fun figuring out how to turn off and on all the equipment alarms, […]

I’m Out of Surgery!

This is Chuck, posting a little update for Nicole. Chuck is writing this for me, as I am presently hopped up on synthetic morphine being delivered by a “Patient Self Administration” device (I get to press a purty green button, and everything feels grrrrrrrrreat!)…

The surgery went well, and I’ve been admitted to the hospital […]